Classic White Bridal Bouquet


This one is for the fuss-free brides. Skip the wait, click and cart with our À La Carte bridal flowers, perfect for your simple solemnisations, pre-wedding shoots and more with no additional further discussions and customisations. Orders to be placed at least 7 DAYS in Advance.

Variations Available 

  1. Ribbon Style – Long & Flow / Simple & Neat

Optional Add-ons 

  1. Matching Boutonniere
  2. Glass Vase

Category: SKU: N/A


Default Sizes

Round/Petite : roughly ~9″

Default Packaging

Flowers will come in a water box for easy transportation. Optional glass vase add-on is available at $15.


Flowers will be delivered between within slated timeslots (10am-2pm/2pm-6pm). For specific timings, a top-up will be required. Kindly inform us under remarks upon check-out and our team will get back to you.

Flower Care after Receiving 

Place flowers in air-conditioned room overnight. Your bouquet would have been delivered in our water box/glass vase and will be kept hydrated. Please do not place flowers in refrigerator.

Additional information

Ribbon Style :

Long & Flowy, Simple & Neat

Add-ons : Matching Boutonniere

Yes, No

Add-ons : Glass Vase

Yes, No